
Be Part of Our Purpose

Currently, there are three broad choices for energy supply in the marketplace:

The marketplace should provide a choice in purchasing a product and be able to distinguish the product when received. One should pay the fair value associated with each product that is purchased. In that way, sustainable production of all forms of energy can be effected.

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Market Stimulation

Market information on renewables is widespread but is inconsistent and, in some instances, inaccurate.  The issue has become politicized with some parties using renewables as an expression of concern about the rising cost of energy and potential environmental deterioration.

The press frequently states that buying attributes is buying associated renewable supply simultaneously.

Programs should be developed promoting awareness as well as addressing some of the myths that have arisen around the use of renewables. How renewable electric energy is being sold in the market place, using renewable energy credits or green tags as a price adder, demonstrates many misperceptions on the part of the press that reports on use.

Not only is the use of research in the hard sciences concerning renewable products or sources of supply useful, but also research into the societal and socioeconomic benefits of renewables would be helpful in stimulating the markets for supply.


Environmentalists need to take positions on the suitability and use of renewable sources of supply. To do otherwise is to support the use of fossil or nuclear fuels.

Environmentalists need to become engaged in the promotion of renewable energy, specifically the technologies they can support. In planning, siting, and permitting projects, environmentalists may be very helpful but such help must be proactive.

Project Developers

Project developers should look to the Institue to provide support for renewable energy projects by:

Original Equipment Manufacturers

Manufacturers of solar panels, wind turbines, biomass plants, and water turbines (to name a few), would be encouraged
to participate and draw from the support of the Institute.

Manufacturers, such as GE, who supply wind turbines, hydro turbines, and solar panels may use us to promote their products as well as drawing from our resources to provide better market direction and designs. Shell may do the same, looking at solar panels, sources of hydrogen, and biofuels as lines of business, which require market support. IBM would be interested in the use of technology to make and keep systems operational. In its consulting business, IBM may additionally find opportunities for helping renewable energy market participants remain cost effective and competitive.

Energy Producers and Transporters

Transporters who are obligated to provide a certain percentage of their energy mix from renewables are certainly interested in a liquid supply market for renewables.

These same utilities have an interest in the diversity of supply coming from the market for the same liquidity and cost reasons.

Energy producers may provide a balance to their supply portfolio by adding renewables to their supply mix avoiding to some extent certain types of resource dependencies.

Professional and Trade Organizations

Consultants, engineers, contractors, attorneys, and trade organizations such as IPPNY (the Independent Power Producers of New York), all have an interest in the Institute depending upon their market line. Many of these organizations need to be kept up to speed with cogent market information.


Government plays a vital role in developing and assuring a non-discriminatory marketplace. Whether the DOE, EPA, or state and local parts of government, there is a vital role they all play in the development and maintenance of the marketplace. The Institute will encourage government to allow market forces to promote development of renewable energy.

Financial Community

Probably more than any other sector the financial community has an interest in the renewable energy credit or premium energy commodity market becoming a viable liquid market. This allows the financial community to accommodate the marketplace in the same fashion that it handles other commodities

Inconsistency across state borders, in defining products traded, and market illiquidity all add costs to the system of attribute trading that reduces net margins. Brokerage houses, banks, and hedge funds should all be thought of as being part of this group entitled “the financial community.”

Other Interests

There is a universe of other interested parties who would like to promote and use renewable energy.

There are individuals and foundations whose mission is to support the application and use of renewable energy. 

The competitive marketplace affords a good vehicle to promote such interests.